Saturday, November 6, 2010


So i wake up the next morning, a lil better than the last two days.....

Gosh! is this going to go away anytime soon? then i thought to myself

Laila... U control how you want to feel about this break up, be happy, be sad or

Learn to wake up everyday understanding u are no SUPERWOMAN.....

Ull hurt, this wld hurt but gain ur strength and learn ur lesson...

Ok, i heard me say and off my bed i got into the shower with the crazy idea of FUN!

I looked outside my hotel room window and the pool looked real attractive & inviting....

The sun was out, so i decided to go down and get a nice spot under a cabana & listen to music

I dressed up in shorts and a bikini top under a tank, took my sunscreen lotion, Ipod & Shades...

Had my hair in a tail and off i went to what i tagged a good start to fun................

The pool was nicer from the ground view, the pool bar had sum nice mixers in view as well!

Not bad i thought instead of being holed up in my room and the bar man hmmmm......

All i can say was ripped, buffed and cute, some Havana top he had on with buttons all popped...

Wow, what have i being doing up in my room i thought?? now i missed my girl Cece

Cece & I love to swim in the deep end of the ocean of our adventurous mind.......

My girl, not seen her in months she traveled home to go see her folks, wld be back next month

A crazy thought had crossed my mind hmmmmmm

I was thinking Cece & Sean 2geda...(EXPLOSIVE MINDS)

Never told dem about it but been noticing sum sparks i am about to ignite (they'll kill me).

So as my mind wandered back to my friends and d nice times we had and how good it felt.....

Nick comes up again and i just blanked out! this hurts so bad not cuz i still love him

Just cuz i should av seen it coming......oh well!!!

I spot this lovely cabana at the far right of the pool, strategic & lovely spot .....

I decided to go to the bar order a Pina Colada from Rodriguez,

Thats the name of the bar man, nice and charming he was with all of us

He was such a hottie and the way he rolled his tongue pronouncing his name Rrrrodriguez......

Oh goody, I am in Cancun and i cld tell my Alter - Ego was taking over wiccccked lol......

I get to my lovely spot under a Cabana, ready to sprawl and then a tap on my shoulders???

Hi, hello i said to a guy i had not spotted in the pool area, Can i help you?? I asked

Yes u can , eerm this is my Spot, ok the first thing that came to mind was HELL NO....

Ur spot i asked, this is not a queue of some sort, i did not meet anything indicating it was taken

I am truly sorry but as u can see i was already trying to relax and my things are all over......

In my head i thought seriously?? In a hotel, at the pool u r debating over a CABANA dude???

He said, i just left to get a drink and i av been here all day, at this point i was loosing my cool

It's ok he said, u can stay there i just need to grab my magazine under the head rest..........

Dang! he was right, he got out a GQ mag and turned to leave, Mr.??? i said,

I am sorry, this is my first time at the pool did not knw you were here or meant any chaos

Julio is my name, and its fine i just had to get my magazine besides......

I would have left the Spot for u if u opted to leave, he smiled and walked away

Ok this whole time we were debating on the said spot i did not look at his anatomy

As he walked away, i realized standing before me 5 secs ago was ....................

A tall shirtless male anatomy, well worked out and cut V shape in shorts!!

Ok how important was this Cabana i thought to myself how could i av missed all of that???

I laid down and plugged my earphones to my ears, the rear view of Julio flashed back....

Hmm! not bad but he did not seem intrigued about me so... ill let this slip,

Smiling i drifted into my Music and enjoyed the splash of water, the Sun & Shade!!!

Cancun might have its Surprise for me i thought.....Am i ready just yet?

Julio (Pronounced HULIO) lets play!!

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